047. Ryan Draper - Cycling 101


This week on the podcast I bring you a conversation with my coach, Ryan Draper from Cycling 101.

I never really thought I would need a coach, but I feel like as I get older, having someone knowledgeable to guide my athletic lifestyle is an investment in longevity. Especially when you have goals in mind. And if you’re thinking you don’t have time to train with a coach, that’s not the case.

There has been a lot of chat in my podcast rotations lately about how athletes are just training too much at efforts not conducive to making fitness gains. They aren’t fully recovering between workouts and inevitably get sick or injured. That’s where Ryan and Cycling-101 are different.

Admittedly, Ryan says that he isn’t really a militant type of coach. Instead, he prefers to train his athletes more intuitively. By combining an HRV tracking wearable like a Whoop, with a training program that fits into an athletes lifestyle, Ryan is able to guide his athletes to not only be fitter, but to be the best version of themselves. Workouts are guided by the athletes actual recovery to maximize fitness gains.

Ryan and I catch up often and from time to time we’ll record one of our conversations to share with you. We’ll cover topics such as nutrition, lifestyle changes that can lead to healthier recovery, issues I might be having as well as successes and breakthroughs I’ve experienced during my training journey.

There are some great nuggets of information in the episode so I hope you enjoy it.


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