048. Brad Kearns - B.RAD podcast


Wait!! Look, I know this dude has a golf club in his hand instead of a Jones bar, but what you are about to listen to, will not only introduce to you another awesome podcast, but also change you’re thinking about the way you train.

Brad Kearns is an author, podcast host, professional speedgolfer, Masters high jumper, and former professional triathlete. Between the years of 1986 - 1995 Brad earned himself a name at the top of the international triathlon circuit, winning 31 events. He self published the books Breakthrough Triathlon Training, How Lance Does It and How Tiger Does It and since 2008, has worked with Mark Sisson to create the Primal Blueprint, a series of books, courses and resources that help humans live lives full of meaning and vitality.

When I stumbled upon the Get Over Yourself podcast, now known as the B.RAD podcast (found on your favourite listening platform), I was a fan instantly. The information he shares, shatters our old ways of thinking about training, health, nutrition and wellness. Brad speaks with experts in their fields to get to the bottom of the workings of our physiology in a way that, I think is super relevant, given all the misinformation that exists on the internet today. Brad also shares years of wisdom and lessons learned along the way that I think will truly resonate with professional and amateur athletes alike, regardless of age and their chosen discipline.

It was such an honour to be able to connect with Brad and hear about his life and experiences and I’m so excited to share this with you. Brad is a “tell it like it is” kind of dude and wants people to spend more time thinking about they way they treat their bodies in order to live long and happy lives. Please visit his website www.bradkearns.com to learn more.


049. Powder Matt - Co-founder of K.O.R.E.


047. Ryan Draper - Cycling 101