018. Cameron Dube - Bikepacking and Packrafting in the Whitewater Region


As a certified whitewater rafting instructor, Cameron wants to help people get their feet wet in the world of Packrafting.

Cameron @camdube grew up in the Whitewater Region in Ontario, an area famous all over the world for its excellent paddling.

During his time as the director of the Beachburg Off Road Cycling Association, they have built 40km of single track and are the hosts of the BORCA Spring Chicken. Considering his paddling and cycling background, Cam is the perfect candidate to draw people into the world of Bikerafting.

In this episode we chat about his experiences on the 2018 Tour Divide as well as the 2019 Italy Divide. Cameron also shares some knowledge regarding the liabilities of organizing cycling events.

018. Cameron Dube - Bikepacking and Packrafting in the Whitewater Region
Steve O'Shaughnessy

019. Heather Plewes and Paulo LaBerge


017. Miiro Michael - The Masaka Cycling Club