169. Nick Pollard - The People Displeaser


In this episode I bring you a conversation with Nick Pollard. @thepeopledispleaser. Nick focuses on setting boundaries, putting a stop to people pleasing, and personal growth.

Nick has been in the coaching space since around 2010. In those days, he was a dating coach helping men build confidence. Now he's about helping men to show up better.

This is a part 1 so if you have any feedback about this podcast and want to send me questions to ask Nick when we connect for a part 2, send them my way.

Nick is very direct and honest with his opinions. He pushes back on a couple of the things I say which I appreciate and always makes for a great conversation.

I hope you enjoy this one and find some takeaways.


170. Graham Mann - Taking the Helm of RollingDale Cycles


168. Svein Tuft - Winner of the BC Epic 1000