146. Jennifer Schmidt - Mental Health Beyond Exercise


Jennifer reached out to me a couple of weeks ago wanting to have a chat. Here's what she wrote in her message to me.

"My name is Jennifer, I am the owner of Ignite Health Coaching and Wellness based in Canmore. I help endurance athletes to support their mental health beyond exercise. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are all too common in endurance athletes, but it’s often not talked about as it’s expected that regular exercise should be enough. It’s my goal to open these conversations so that endurance athletes recognize that they’re not alone and to give them strategies and tools to support their mental health so they can stop hiding behind their sport and start feeling like themselves again."

This resonated with me as, I feel that many of us head out on these adventures because we're running from something. This is not always the case, of course. We talk about the various tools that can be used to tackle anxiety in our day-to-day lives. We also get into forming healthy habits in order to cultivate a peaceful environment.

I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do too!


147. Vann-Marie - Nomadic Living


145. Trish Holt - The Big Sky Spectaculaire & Sobriety