144. Fred Chagnon - Randonneuring 101


I love podcasting because it gives a platform where the listener feels like a fly on the wall, listening to two people getting to know one another. Fred Chagnon contacted me a few weeks ago to highlight the lack of chat about Randonneuring on the Podcast. Well then, we should talk about it.

Fred was a fantastic guest and shared a lot about his work, personal life, and the meaning he gets from the sport of Randonneuring. He explains the differences as well as the similarities between Rando and Bikepacking. We geek out about guitar and drums and discuss the Information Technology industry. It was an awesome chat, and I hope you enjoy getting to know Fred Chagnon as much as I did.

Fred also has a blog. https://randorambles.blogspot.com/ so please check that out and make sure you subscribe.

You know that I ask for voice intros all the time. I'd love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Whip out your device, record me something, and send it to myback40podcast@gmail.com.

Find value in the podcast? Please join my Patreon to get early access to the podcast and some extra tidbits from time to time. Thanks in advance for your support.

Keep the Rubber Side Down.


145. Trish Holt - The Big Sky Spectaculaire & Sobriety