119. Solo Episode - Navigating Murky Waters


I just wanted to check in to give some thanks to everyone for all of their support while I navigate some murky waters. It’s been super tough for me so all the love that I’m receiving has been welcome. Thank you.

I neglected to thank Mason for his voice into, as I recorded my part before I inserted his. Thanks, Mason. It’s gratifying to hear that you appreciate the work I’m doing here on My Back 40 and that you’re finding some takeaways. If you want to send me a voice intro, like Mason did, whip out your device, record me something and send it to myback40podcast at gmail dot com. I love hearing voices from the community and I think it brings us all closer together.

If you find value in the work that I’m doing, please consider supporting me financially. Check the support link in the header. Consider buying me a pint, coffee or lunch once a month by signing up to my Patreon. You can also PayPal me!

As an independents podcaster, it’s easy for my platform to get lost in the millions of other podcasts that are out there, especially the bigger ones. It’s a saturated space, so your support means the world to me. I love this podcast and your help is appreciated, especially during these times of uncertainty. I thank you in advance.

I’ll have more chats coming your way soon so stay tuned. Subscribe, share, rate and review so you don’t miss any. Also, there are tons of conversations in the archive so why not check out ones that you may have missed.

Talk to you soon.


120. Eddie O’Dea - The Eastern Divide Trail


118. Erik de Brun - Redshift Sports