117. Solo Episode - Motivation, Being Selfish and Psychedelics


Hey everyone!

It’s been pretty quiet out here at My Back 40. I tend to withdrawal when things get hard in life. Finding the balance during these times can be challenging so I thought I would chat a little about some topics that have been top of mind lately.

Motivation can be challenging when you’re experiencing the lows, and I try to practice what I preach to just get out there and ride. Sometimes though, the body just needs what it needs and if that is rest, that’s what I plan to provide.

Selfishness is something that many passionate endurance athletes experience. Doing what is best for you can often feel like you’re taking away from others. It is said that if you can’t be your best self, then you can’t show up for the ones you love and sometimes being selfish and filling your own buckets is the only way to do that. What do you think about this? Send me a message to let me know.

The last topic I talk about is microdosing. The use of compounds like cannabis, LSD and psilocybin in smaller doses can have profound effects on the human mind. Here, I talk a little about my experience with microdosing psilocybin and some of the benefits I have experienced with this natural compound. The landscape is changing when it comes to various psychedelic compounds with studies being conducted at various clinics around the world. And as certain compounds’ status are being moved away from schedule 1 and becoming legal, more of these medicines will become available to the public. Mother Nature has always provided what we need to be strong in mind and body and this is being proven in scientific settings. For more information, check out the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - MAPS.

Also, here are some great reads. Some of them take a deeper dive into what I talk about on this podcast.


Dopamine Nation
How to Change Your Mind
Waking Up
Atomic Habits
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The Master and His Emissary


118. Erik de Brun - Redshift Sports


116. Steve Halligan on the Silk Road Mountain Race