089. Justin M Short - Renaissance Man


A few weeks ago, too long ago actually, Justin reached out to me to share his idea for a Bonnie Gagnon fundraiser. For those who don’t know who Bonnie is, she’s been an ever present force in the bikepacking community, sharing the love of endurance athletics and the joys of experiencing the world from the saddle of a bike.

Bonnie’s journey hasn’t been an easy one, battling injuries and a bout with Lemierre’s Syndrome that nearly took her life. Most recently, a strike to her head has caused more trauma and her treatment resulted in spinal fluid leaks, rendering her bed ridden. She needs help.

Justin designed a kick ass sticker that we’re making available in the My Back 40 store. For $25 +s&h, we’ll send you a two pack of these iconic decals to display on your Nalgene or Stainless coffee vessels and flasks to show your support.

I was also interested in learning a bit about Justin, who seems to be constantly getting after in the many bikepacking events that litter the U.S. Justin is an artist, both visually and musically and creates bike related tunes and videos that touch on the cycling culture that we can all relate to.

You can find him on Facebook and can check out his music videos on YouTube.

I had a great time chatting with Justin, and I hope you enjoy this chat too. Please visit the store to grab a 2 pack of these stickers, or check out her GoFundMe to give that way. Either way, it’s going to help this iconic cyclist get back on the pedals.


090. James Wilson - Graveleur


088. Ryan Draper of Cycling 101 - Coach Catch Up