067. My Alberta Rockies 700 Recap
photo: @evilmoosemegan
Sorry for the delay in getting this out to you. I had some technical difficulties and had to start over. So this one is just me chatting about my experience on the Alberta Rockies 700.
Despite having some deep mental obstacles on day one, I was able to to finish the route in 5th place in 2 days, 15 hours and 9 minutes. I am super proud of that! My target was 3 days.
Something that I neglected to talk about in this podcast was post race depression. After the yoyo I didn’t really feel it. I thought that perhaps it was because my mind and body knew that we weren’t done yet. We still had the AR to do, after all. The last week I have been a bit in the dumps as reality floods back into existence. Family, work, bills; getting back into the routine of life can feel like swimming upstream, especially after being immersed in the flow of an endurance race. Being on the trail attenuates reality to some extent and maybe that’s one reason competing in endurance events is addictive. Essentially, you’ve crossed a barrier into an alternate reality. I place filled with like minded people. A place where the only thing you have to deal with is your body and your rig. A place where the only work that needs to be done is to navigate your way from one place to another and to keep the tank full of gas.
I’m coming out the other side though. Yesterday was rough, I admit, but I got through it. Sometimes sleep is all you really need. Lots of sleep. I also think planning for the next adventure is a good way to keep the sights on the next battle. Tour Divide, perhaps? Not sure I can afford that to be honest. This summer’s races have already set me back financially so we’ll have to see. The AR again? Only time will tell.
I hope this podcast isn’t to disjointed and I hope you find some takeaways.