034. Ryan Draper - Cycling 101

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On this episode of the podcast I speak with my friend and coach, Ryan Draper of Cycling 101. As a Consultant, Coach, Instructor, Guide & Bike Fitter, Ryan has built Cycling 101 to be, not only a place for him to share years of experience and wisdom of being behind bars, but to also help his athletes show up to be their best selves.

I first met Ryan @Cycling101 at the 2017 Bikepack Canada Summit. After reaching out to him for fuelling advice as I prepared for a race, and later after my conversation with Ryan on the BIkepack Canada Podcast Ep47 “Coaching Principals”, we have been in contact on a semi regular basis. Most recently, I have asked Ryan to coach me in preparation for the 2021 Tour Divide.

I’ve never had a coach before, so I wasn’t sure what the experience would be like and I wasn’t sure what kind of commitment he would demand. I feel as though Ryan’s approach to coaching is very organic, shaping his programs to fit neatly inside an individual athlete’s schedule.

Ryan’s coaching doesn’t stop there. He gets to know his athletes on a more personal level so he can help further shape the program, taking into consideration the athlete’s individual levels of stress.

We talk a lot about the Whoop platform on this podcast. There are many ways to coach athletes without the use of a wearable but Ryan insists that Whoop gives the best insights into an athlete so he can truly individualize the program. I agree whole heartedly (pun intended). Unfortunately Whoop doesn’t support the podcast, so consider this reverse sponsorship. I would recommend Whoop to anyone who would like to get a much deeper look into their physiology.

I have really been enjoying working with Ryan and I hope you enjoy the conversation. As a supporter of the podcast, Cycling 101 would like to offer a promo code. I’m sure you already know it but in case you don’t; Use the promo code 101VIP20 to save 20% off a consultation or a bike fit!

Enjoy the conversation.


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